Celestial gambit, Shadowborn Vanguard
In the annals of time, enmity often takes root in a distant past, its origins shrouded in the mists of forgetfulness. Various conjectures emerge, yet none find affirmation in the musty corridors of history. Thus, for millennia, two clans have waged a silent war, their strife etched in blood, an instinctive dance of shadows. The vendetta, a legacy passed through generations, festers like a dark wound. The progeny of the night, with a visceral resolve, endeavours to thwart the presumptuous members of the Luminous Legion. Behold the unfolding of the second act in the Celestial Gambit. The white pieces have executed their move; now, the stage awaits the black rebuttal.

The February release will consist the next models:
  • Umbral Sentinels 35 mm :
  • Umbral Keeper (rook 2 states) 35mm
  • Rook Guard
  • Voidwhisper (the bishop) 35mm
  • Dark horse 35mm
  • Lady Umbravale 35mm and 75mm
  • Regent Shadowhelm (king 2 states) 35mm
  • Bust of Shadowhelm
  • Bust of Umbravale
  • 3 special bases
The full release of Celestial gambit, Shadowborn Vanguard
Umbral Sentinels
  • Includes:
- Umbral Sentinels- Aric (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Umbral Sentinels- Draven (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Umbral Sentinels- Sylas(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Umbral Keeper (rook 2 states)
  • Includes:
- Umbral Keeper (35mm) (rook 2 states) - both regular and pre-supported!
Rook Guard
  • Includes:
- Umbral Keeper (35mm) (rook 2 states) - both regular and pre-supported!
Voidwhisper (the bishop)
  • Includes:
- Voidwhisper (the bishop) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Dark horse
  • Includes:
- Dark horse (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Lady Umbravale
  • Includes:
- Lady Umbravale (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Regent Shadowhelm (king 2 states)
  • Includes:
- Regent Shadowhelm ((king 2 states) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Shadowhelm
  • Includes:
- Bust of Shadowhelm - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Umbravale
  • Includes:
- Bust of Umbravale - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Bust of Shadowhelm - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust of Umbravale - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
3 special bases
  • Includes:
- Special Base with chain - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Base with a skull - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Base "Umbral Keeper" - both regular and pre-supported!