Little Kingdom
In a realm teetering on the edge of chaos, a secret order of mages, known as the Beastmasters, holds the key to salvation... or destruction. As ancient powers stir and ominous forces gather, these sorcerers hone their craft in the art of taming fantastical beasts.

  • Prince Lior
  • Eternal bloom (a rose in 5 poses)
  • Ember Swift (the Fox)
  • Professor Geostride (the geographer)
  • The lamplighter
  • The King
  • The Snake
  • 2 bases
  • 1 special base “Moon”
  • Bust of Little Prince
  • Bust of Rose
The full release of Burning Chaos
Prince Lior
  • Includes:
- Prince Lior (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Eternal bloom (a rose in 5 poses)
- Eternal bloom magic (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Eternal bloom with a mirror (35mm) -both regular and pre-supported!
- Eternal bloom magnificent (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Eternal bloom on the tree (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Eternal bloom with a staff (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!

Ember Swift (the Fox)
  • Includes:
- Ember Swift (the Fox) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Professor Geostride (the geographer)
  • Includes:
- Professor Geostride (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The lamplighter
- The lamplighter (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The King
- The King (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The Snake
- The Snake (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Special Bases - May release "Little Kingdom"
- Special Bases "MOON" - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Bases with patterns - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Bases "with a skull" - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Little Prince
- Bust Prince Lior (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Eternal bloom (rose)
- Bust of Eternal bloom(rose) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Eternal bloom and Prince Lior
- Bust Prince Lior (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust of Eternal bloom(rose) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!