Cursed in Stone
Get ready to embark on an autumnal journey through mysterious castles and their enigmatic secrets. We're thrilled to introduce you to the von Schloss family's curse, as well as their loyal servants and defenders! We sincerely hope you'll enjoy every bit of it!

  • Celia LeFleur (35mm and 75mm) with 2 dogs Luther & Herod
  • Count Richter von Schloss (35мм)
  • Crazroth (35мм)
  • Ajuzutt (35мм)
  • Gargoyles:
- Zibog (35мм)
- Aksor (35мм)
- Krolkaat (35мм)
- Izrurr (35мм)
- Izmin (35мм)

  • Bust of Celia LeFleur
  • Bust of Count Richter von Schloss
  • Special Bases x3 (50мм)
The full release of Cursed in Stone
Celia LeFleur
  • Includes:
- Celia_LeFleur (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Celia_LeFleur (75mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Count Richter von Schloss
  • Includes:
- Count Richter von Schloss(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Crazroth(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Ajuzutt(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Aksor(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Galgazod(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Izrurr(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Krolkaat(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Zibog(35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Celia LeFleur
  • Includes:
- Bust of Celia LeFleur - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Count Richter von Schloss
  • Includes:
- Bust of Count Richter von Schloss - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Special Bases - September release “ Cursed in Stone”
  • Includes:
- Special base - Stairs (size for 35mm scale characters) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special base - With books (size for 35mm scale characters) - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special base - Part of the column (size for 35mm scale characters) - both regular and pre-supported!