Macabre Masquerade
In the sumptuous abode of the Shadowmere lineage, a grand masquerade is poised to unfold! The entire aristocracy of Raven's Hollow receives the coveted invitation, with glasses resounding and wine cascading like an unhindered stream!
Whence the Shadows derived their opulence remains a veiled enigma. Yet, opulence, like a sepulchral shroud, eclipses any murky vestiges. The Count and Countess, elusive as phantoms, seldom grace the gathering; instead, it is their progeny, a pampered scion harboring delusions of regal ascendancy.
Fortune and dominion cast a pall of mystery. None dare to pry into superfluous inquiries. Merriment reverberates through the corridors during the extravagant masquerades of the Shadowmere kin. Thespians, soothsayers, and other arcane personages hasten to regale the blithe revelers

Are your costumes already prepared for the extravagant December masquerade?

The December release contains the next models:
  • Vivienne Shadowmere 35mm
  • Aurelius 35 and 75 mm
  • Isolde Serenadream (fortune teller) 35mm
  • Marcella Venomqueen 35mm
  • Malevolent Marionetist (devil) 35mm
  • Lilith Darkling (girl with 2 heads) 35mm
  • Obsidian Sentinel (3 models) 35mm
  • Enlivened Phantasms ( 3 models)35mm
  • Bust of Aurelius
  • Bust of Vivienne
  • Special Bases x3 (50мм)
The full release of Macabre Masquerade
Vivienne Shadowmere
- Vivienne Shadowmere(35mm)
- Aurelius (35mm)
- Aurelius (75mm)
Isolde Serenadream (fortune teller)
- Isolde Serenadream (fortune teller) (35mm)
Marcella Venomqueen
- Marcella Venomqueen (35mm)
Malevolent Marionetist (devil)
- Malevolent Marionetist (35mm)
Lilith Darkling (the twins)
- Lilith Darkling ( the twins) (35mm)
Obsidian Sentinel
- Obsidian Sentinel - expectations (35mm)
- Obsidian Sentinel - reflections (35mm)
- Obsidian Sentinel - revelations (35mm)
Enlivened Phantasms (3 models)
- Enlivened Phantasms (35mm)
Busts of Aurelius and Vivienne Shadowmere
- Bust of Aurelius
- Bust of Vivienne Shadowmere
- Bust Base
Bust of Aurelius
- Bust of Aurelius
- Bust Base
Bust of Vivienne Shadowmere
- Bust of Vivienne Shadowmere
- Bust Base
Special Bases - December release “Macabre Masquerade ”
- Special Bases "Carnival podium"
- Special Bases "Theatre podium"
- Special Bases "Staircase"