Chained by Shadow
Get ready for an epic showdown between darkness and light. Brace yourselves for a battle of epic proportions as demons clash with the warriors of light.

  • Malara (queen) 35mm
  • Valriena (warrior) 35mm
  • Beliala 35mm
  • Erebeth 35mm
  • Lilura 35mm
  • Azazel ( the king of demons) 35mm
  • The light warriors: Sir Roland, Gilbert, Joanna
  • Bust of Erebeth
  • Bust of Azazel
  • Special bases x3
The full release of Chained by Shadow
Malara (queen)
  • Includes:
- Malara (queen) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Valriena (warrior)
  • Includes:
- Valriena (warrior) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Beliala (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Erebeth (35mm) -both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Lilura (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Azazel (the king of demons)
  • Includes:
- Azazel (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The light warriors: Sir Roland
  • Includes:
Sir Roland (75mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The light warriors: Gilbert
  • Includes:
- Gilbert (5 poses) (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
The light warriors: Joanna
  • Includes:
- Joanna (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Erebeth
  • Includes:
- Bust of Erebeth - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Azazel
  • Includes:
- Bust of Azazel - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Azazel and Erebeth
  • Includes:
- Bust of Erebeth - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust of Azazel - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Special Bases - June release "Chained by Shadow"
  • Includes:
- Special Bases - "Demonic fire" - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Bases -"Stone steps" - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Bases - "The ritual circle" - both regular and pre-supported!