In the whispered echelons of lore, tales abound of dragons dwelling high amidst the craggy peaks. Aye, such fables have danced upon our ears, their allure casting shadows of doubt upon reality. Yet, what if within these murmurs lies a kernel of truth? Behold a secluded enclave, a folk veiled in secrecy, who for eons have safeguarded these mythical beasts from the abyss of extinction.
They are gentle folk, their hearts kindred to the ancient guardians they cherish. Locked away from prying eyes, their village shrouded in mystery, a sanctuary unfound by mortal compasses. Gold holds no sway over their allegiance, and secrets are etched into the very stones of their abode. Oh, how they defy the beckoning whispers of the curious, for their secrets are theirs alone to keep, veiled in the ethereal mist that veils their realm.

  • Roran Ironforge 35mm
  • Aira and her baby dragon 35mm
  • Alira and her dragon 35mm
  • Dragonmage 35mm
  • Mira and her dragon 35mm
  • Professor 35mm
  • Bust of Aira
  • Bust of Roran
  • 3 special bases
The full release of Wingforge
Roran Ironforge
  • Includes:
- Roran Ironforge (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Aira (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Alira and her dragon
  • Includes:
- Alira and her dragon (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Dragonmage (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Mira and his dragon
  • Includes:
- Mira and his dragon (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
  • Includes:
- Professor (35mm) - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Aira
  • Includes:
- Bust of Aira - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Roran
  • Includes:
- Bust of Roran - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Bust of Aira and Roran
  • Includes:
- Bust of Roran - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust of Aira - both regular and pre-supported!
- Bust Base - both regular and pre-supported!
Special Bases - March release “Wing forge”

  • Includes:
-Special Base "Dragon's nest" - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Base "A dead tree" - both regular and pre-supported!
- Special Base "Bones" - both regular and pre-supported!